If you want just free stuff like, bike, accommodation or furniture, all these can be easy to acquire free. The internet has made all things fairly easy to get as free product and services. Many websites are designed solely for helping people to locate free give away stuff. Free stuff can reduce your monthly budget, it also good for the planet, if some of the items are being recycled and also saving the cost of paying for new products.
Some of the best ways to locate free stuff are highlighted below:
- You can logon to freecycle or other websites that specializes in given out used items in your locality.
- Craigslist is another useful source, they have a category that is dedicated solely for reused items from ordinary cardboards to electronics. They are similar to Gumtree.
- You can also use your iphone as a source for locating free reusable items within your locality.
- Couchsurfing are also a god company, they are specialists in connecting travelers with host around the world, you can get free accommodation or people that are readily available to share there interests and culture with you. You can also go to Travel Supermarket Cheap Flights to get discount flights for your vacation.
- Sources for free accommodation anytime you want to travel are digsville, homebaseholidays.com, homeexchange.com and home link for finding home exchange opportunities.
- Another helpful site for just free stuff tips is favorpals, they can help you trade your skills for a favor, like tutoring your kid, offer painting services or help in website design.
- Another similar website is swaptree, you can swap your old books for DVD or video games. Swapstyle also offers similar services, it is possible to swap your used clothes for cosmetics, shoes and other essential items.
- Sites like kizoodle are good for for swapping or trading kid stuff like toys or other baby items.
- Free jewellery can be acquired at silver jewellery club, this is an offer from jewellery manufacturers to get their new products across to intending buyers.
- Last but not the least the best way to find just free stuff is to browse the site here or use the search box at the top right of the site. You can also search Google or Yahoo for ‘just free stuff’ if you haven’t done so already!