Everyone is aware that it is often possible to purchase items on the internet cheaper than one can find them on the high street. However, not many people are aware that it is actually possible to get paid to purchase things that you need on the internet. Many people deem this to be a con but it is actually true. There are a number of top cash back sites that will provide you with varying sums of money when you purchase the goods that you require. Most of them also hold free competitions for all their members.
This can be a wide range of products such as insurance policies, bank loans and even retail items such as clothes and food shopping. Obviously the amount of money that you receive from sites such as TopCashBack.co.uk will vary quite drastically, usually you will find that the more expensive the item the larger the amount of cash will be. You will generally find that purchases such as insurance policies and bank loans will yield the most cash back as these make the most money for the retailer.
To qualify for topcashback.co.uk and other top cash back websites you will need to become a member. It should always be complimentary to join the website so if there is a fee it is probably best to look for a different site. There are plenty that do not charge any fee to join so there is no need to use one that charges. Upon joining the site simply log in to the member area and then continue to the search for the retailer you wish to purchase from such as Tesco or Argos and see if they are a top cashback company.
If they are then you can click onto their link from the members area purchase your goods and receive your cash. Your purchase will be tracked both by the members website and the retailer to ensure that the correct amount is paid directly into your account upon purchase. As previously mentioned this amount will vary depending on what you buy and how much it costs.
Most people who read or hear about this kind of website simply do not believe or understand why they would pay you money simply for purchasing items that you already want, the plethora of different top cash back websites that offer this service all work in exactly the same manner. Each website will make money each time you use there site to purchase an item from one of your preferred retailers. Sites like money supermarket have plenty of info on these schemes. This is done with the help of affiliate links. These links help the retailers to track where their business is coming from and thus help them with any future advertising campaigns. As retailers are not only getting the business of the sale but also some help with their future advertising they are happy to pay for the lead. A portion of the payment that the sites such as topcashback.co.uk receive is passed back to you the consumer, this is the reason you are paid simply for shopping.